(upbeat music)
Welcome to the Mindful Balance Mini Podcast.
If you are a woman over 40,
ready to break free from fad diets
and discover the power of balance and confidence
in your life, then this podcast is for you
and I am so happy that you are here.
I'm your host, I'm Rachel, a nutrition and mindset coach
and I'm going to break down everything you need to know
into bite-sized pieces of sustainable and realistic tips.
I wanna invite you to join me
as we explore practical strategies to stop overeating,
nourish your body, and use the potential
of your amazing brain to achieve your goals.
If you haven't already,
make sure to hit that subscribe button
so you never miss an episode filled with insights
on nutrition, mindset, and building healthy habits.
(upbeat music)
Hey ladies, welcome back.
Today we're having a heart to heart conversation
on a topic that I know will resonate with so many of you.
It is about when you know exactly what you should be doing,
but you just don't.
Not because you're confused or unaware.
That's not the case we're talking about today.
It is when you know and you are still making decisions
that are opposite to what you know you should be doing.
This is the famous and evil self-sabotage
and we are tackling it today together.
If we were sipping on some coffee or herbal tea
or sitting on a comfy couch together,
this is what I would be saying to you.
So if you can relate, I've got you
and we are going to peel back the layers right now.
You know the saying, old habits die hard.
Imagine you are hiking through a dense forest
where the paths are your habits.
Some are very well traveled, they're familiar and easy, while others are overgrown and barely
visible. The second one, those are the new habits that we are trying to create,
but they are definitely not easy to walk. I love to refer to the brain as that well-meaning friend
that gives you, let's just call it, interesting advice.
I'm sure you have a friend like this, I think we all do.
She is fun to be with,
but sometimes her suggestions are a little bit,
well, let's say off.
Why not have that third slice of cake?
Or just sleep in, skip the morning walk.
She really means well trying to be a good friend,
but sometimes we need to kindly decline her invitations
and suggestions.
Now I want to introduce another term here
that I often use with my one-on-one clients,
and that term is buffering.
And no, I'm not talking about video streaming
kind of buffering, I'm going to explain that.
Buffering in this context is what we do
when faced with discomfort.
Imagine your goals as an alarm clock
that ringing persistently.
Buffering is like putting a pillow over that alarm,
muffling the sound and it's still there.
Whether it's scrolling on social media,
over indulging in food or oversleeping,
it's our way of pressing snooze on life
when we are avoiding discomfort.
I even want to suggest that some of the ways to buffer
can be as tricky as cleaning or cooking
or anything that you do because you're hiding
from some kind of uncomfortable task.
And if that sounds like procrastination almost,
then yes, it is a form of buffering
even when you do something that feels very productive.
When I was at my lowest feeling stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, a really good friend
asked me the following questions that I am about to share with you in a second.
And they really changed everything for me.
If you take one thing from listening to this episode, I want you to be super honest with
yourself and answer the following four questions. I will, by the way, write them down in the episode
notes. So, if you don't have a way to write down right now as you listen, do not worry,
you can get them later. But please don't let this self-exploration opportunity pass because it can
be life-changing.
Question #1 - Why am I choosing comfort over progress?
I'm going to explain.
We all have our comfort zones.
Maybe it's like that old worn out hoodie that no longer looks good but oh my god, it is
so comfy.
Will you go to, let's say, a job interview wearing that?
How about to a party?
You won't.
Sometimes it's necessary to step out of our comfort zone for a bigger goal.
Question number two.
What am I afraid of?
This is such a crucial question because behind every act of self-sabotage is a shadow of
Maybe it's the fear of the unknown, of judgment or taking responsibility.
Maybe it is the fear of failure or maybe for you it is the fear of success actually.
It is super tricky.
Is it a lack of trust in your ability to actually do it?
Or maybe for some of you it's negative scenarios or feeling of being stuck are so familiar
and therefore you choose that over progress.
There are so many reasons women literally put obstacles
in front of themselves and change can happen
only with awareness and honesty.
What is really happening here?
Question number three,
what would my future healthiest self do today?
Here's a visualization that I want you to practice.
Think of yourself as the woman
who has already achieved her goals.
What would she be doing right now?
Newsflash, she is already in you
and she has all the answers you need.
I use this often when I feel overwhelmed
or confused in other areas of life.
Just asking that question,
what would my future self do,
usually helps me take the first step.
Because any action is good action
and is better than no action.
The fourth and last question I want you to ask yourself
is who is calling the shots here?
Your brain, powerful as it is,
often operates on outdated software.
But just as you'd update your phone or your computer,
it's up to us to update our mental patterns.
Who do you want to determine your future?
Do you want it to be old, outdated software,
or would you prefer to use the latest,
most reliable version you have available to you right now?
Before I leave you, here's a little assignment for you.
Tonight, when the world is quiet
and you finally have a moment with your thoughts,
I want you to revisit these four questions.
Take a notebook and write your answers,
unfiltered, whatever comes to mind,
because they might just light the new path for you.
And there we have it.
Another heart to heart is wrapped up.
I want to remind you that the journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step, or in our case, a single thought.
Until next time, stay well, bye.
Thank you for tuning in
to the Mindful Balance podcast today.
I hope you enjoyed our conversation and find inspiration
to find your unique balance and confidence.
Remember that the journey continues on Instagram.
You can find me at Rachel Emma Nutrition.
That is one word where I share daily nuggets of wisdom
to help you reach your goals with ease.
If you love today's episode,
don't forget to subscribe to the podcast
and leave us a review.
Your feedback fuels our mission to empower more women
on their mindful balance journey.
Until next time, take care and stay mindful.
Thank you for listening to The Mindful Balance.
The Mindful Balance is brought to you
by Rachel Emma Nutrition.
Our editing and mixing engineer is Michael Plawner.
Our theme song is Good Feelings by Bo Gleason.
The information in this podcast does not substitute
for medical or psychological advice
and is intended for educational purposes only.
Please consult a qualified health professional
regarding health conditions or concerns
before starting a new diet or health program.
Rachel Emma Nutrition LLC and accompanying websites
and social media platforms are not responsible
for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences
resulting from the use of any suggestions here in
procedures undertaken hereafter.